Rehabilitation of 78 vil­lage wells and hand pumps provides clean drink­ing water for 21'000 people

Rehabilitation of wells and hand pumps, Kassena-Nankana District

Alex Tseh, Delegate Peyer Foundation in Ghana

“The looks of grat­it­ude in pro­ject com­munit­ies often remind me of the fact that every effort made could con­trib­ute to the life of an under­priv­ileged per­son. It is for this reas­on that I take spe­cial delight in serving as rep­res­ent­at­ive of the Ernst Peyer Foundation to bring some com­fort to deprived com­munit­ies in Ghana.”

Hannes Heinimann, Präsident Ernst Peyer Stiftung

“Ghana has been my place of work and life for many years. I am pleased that today, as President of the Ernst Peyer Foundation I’m able sup­port and strengthen poor and neg­lected com­munit­ies in Ghana.”

Perspectives for Ghana

The Ernst Peyer Foundation is cam­paign­ing for the devel­op­ment of the poorest regions of Ghanas. We sup­port ini­ti­at­ives for the improve­ment of liv­ing con­di­tions in col­lab­or­a­tion with loc­al part­ners and com­munit­ies. We are provid­ing con­crete and sus­tain­able aid for a bet­ter life with per­spect­ives.


We sup­port pro­jects in rur­al areas in the North and South of the coun­try. We tackle areas where people do not have access to clean water and san­it­ary facil­it­ies, and where long-for­got­ten com­munit­ies, health cen­ters and schools are in dire need of sup­port for neces­sary invest­ments. We thereby focus on water, hygiene, health and infra­struc­ture.



We are in cooper­a­tion with loc­al part­ners to real­ize our pro­jects. Those are part­ners which raise our aware­ness for the needs of the poorest and who in tan­dem with the com­munit­ies engage in the pro­jects. The com­munit­ies are respons­ible for all the long-term main­ten­ance and oper­a­tion duties. With that we pre­vent the depend­ence of com­munit­ies on us and encour­age a sus­tain­able and autonom­ous eco­nomy.

With your dona­tion you sup­port our pro­jects.

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