
With your dona­tion to the Ernst Peyer Foundation you are help­ing in improv­ing the liv­ing con­di­tions of people in Ghana. We are fin­an­cing water, hygiene, health and infra­struc­ture pro­jects. We accom­pany the pro­jects with our expert­ise and exper­i­ence – far bey­ond their com­ple­tion. The com­munit­ies involved in the pro­jects are enabled to con­tin­ue the work on their own, thereby cre­at­ing sus­tain­able employ­ment oppor­tun­it­ies.

Support us with your dona­tion!
Account Number. 30-324914-3
IBAN CH36 0900 0000 3032 4914 3

A dona­tion to our char­it­able organ­iz­a­tion can be writ­ten off the tax in all can­tons.

Would you like to learn more about our cur­rent pro­jects? We would love to keep you informed with our bian­nu­al news­let­ter. (only in ger­man)


Would you like to do good bey­ond your own passing? You can do so by stat­ing a leg­ate in your will to the Ernst Peyer Foundation. You are free to determ­ine for which pur­pose and in which man­ner your leg­ate will be used. Our found­a­tion coun­cil is ded­ic­ated to respect and real­ize your will to its fullest extent.

Our pres­id­ent Hannes Heinimann is avail­able for a con­ver­sa­tion in con­fid­ence.

Hannes Heinimann
Steinerstrasse 16
CH-3006 Bern
Tel. +41 79 709 40 92‬

With your dona­tion you sup­port our pro­jects.
